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Thursday, October 2, 2014

With all the scare tactics flying around out there I found it necessary to give an opinion of my own on the topic of the Ebola virus. I want to convey the importance of awareness on this but caution against spreading fear. Knowledge is power. It is important to educate ourselves on the threats out there but it is equally important to see the degree of fear being planted and spread. I highly encourage people to keep their strength and stand up against the fear that comes with this. Time and time again we are fed these frightening stories that make us afraid to step outside. There are many ways to protect yourself. Don't give this any of your energy and simply carry on with your day to day life. It really is that simple. When you give in to fear and start changing things like regular soap to antibacterial and start over using all these extreme measures like chemical wipes and sprays to sanitize your home you are actually making yourself more susceptible to illness because these products actually work against your immune system not with it. The best way to clean and protect your home are with natural products found right in your pantry. With a little time and research you can find how peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice and even baking soda can be beneficial to your home and your body. With little effort at all you can boost your immune system and your families by adding certain herbs to your meals, drinking certain teas, even use essential oils in a diffuser to help clean the air in your home. I also love using fresh cut onions on a plate (I replace them every couple of days). There are many resources out there that will agree and disagree with the above statements I have made but realize that I am living proof that the things I have shared with you all work for my family and myself. We have dodged every cold flu and virus thus far. My children have missed 95% less school due to illness in the past three years since I have started using the items I share above. This really is a life style change in the since that you are standing up for your family and yourself and saying NO MORE!!! No more fear of disease no more fear of the harmful chemicals and no more hurting yourself and the ones you love by using harmful products that truly do not protect you. I hope this helps everybody with an interest to stand up and say NO MORE!!!     

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trees are an amazing way to re-ground and re-focus. 
They are silent and still, very wise...

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Peace and balance
They are key
Look inside yourself
Where you are free

Love yourself
And what you've become
And forgive those
That make you numb

Peace is hard to find
 Trust me this I know
But if you’re trying hard enough
Your peace will start to grow

 Learn that you are one
Trust me it is true
When you start to live as one
You’ll find this come to you

Keep your heart with balance
Find life in everything
Pay close attention to the birds
Listen when they sing

Follow nature
It’s the only way
To keep your balance
Day to day

 All that you are needing
Will surely come to you
Have trust in the natural way
It will get you through.

Melissa Fisher
Endless Notions

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

War, What Is It For?
Death and destruction
Bodies cover the ground
All these wars started
To bring peace all around?

It's not only the troops
Whose lives are lost
But innocent people
Is it worth the cost?

Those that are leading
Are quick to jump in
But it's not their children
Whose lives will soon end

It's easy to send
Countless men to war
It’s easy when the pain of it
Never knocks on your door

To those in control
I ask is this greed
To take more than what's given
And more than you need

I turn on the news
A few more have died
I wonder if they thought
They fought for a lie

Blowing up buildings
And destroying the land
Is a history so sad
Left here by man

But history repeats
Another soon starts
What are we missing
Is it love in our hearts?

We're so sick of fighting
Wars that won't end
If it's peace that you want
Then just be their friend!

Why is it hard
To do what feels right
Why aren’t we moving
Towards ending the fight?

I challenge you this
To all out there
Reach out to your neighbor
Let them know that you care

Maybe this act
Will soon start to grow
And overtime love
Will be easier to show.

~Melissa Fisher~
I have been super busy with my new book Endless Notions coming to a close and being released. I always thought it would be so easy to write it because I love to write but the reality is that it's very hard work! I love it though and I'm up for the challenge. I'm also grateful that I have the amazing opportunity to share all about the process of awakening and self recovery with the world. I love to talk about it and help others by sharing my experiences in such a way that we can all relate to one another. I am looking forward to getting some feedback on the things I have shared. If anyone has any questions for me or would like to discuss anything in greater detail I would like you to know that I encourage it and look forward to it. We all have many similarities in our process to self recovery (aka healing) and also some that stand apart from others. My mission is to help as many people become aware of their purpose as possible to spread peace, love and balance back into our world! I hope you will join in! Spread your light into the world dear friends!!! Happy week and happy thoughts to all!!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

I would like to take a moment to share the cover of my new book and a little bit about it. Endless Notions (due to be released September 3, 2014) it's based on life experiences where I expose some of my deepest secrets about the things I have seen.  After a near death experience (that changed my life forever) I was shown many things about our spiritual evolution, life and death, the truths found in our dreams and some things about the planet! This inspirational book is all about spreading knowledge and understanding through love and peace. I lead by example to show the way to finding peace within and eliminating fear. Would this be of interest if you could step outside the normal and into the unknown?  Do you have what it takes to open your mind to possibilities you never imagined? If so than this book is meant for you, welcome to the journey!!!  I  would like to invite anyone of interest to my facebook page :)


THANK YOU ALL for your continued support!!! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

When you were born you had all knowledge, you just have to remember.  Most people don't realize that when they were a baby they were the closest to spirit that you will ever be in your life if you don't remember your purpose and remember your journey.  People can get caught up in teaching their little one how to learn the basic fundamentals of using the human body and how it works that they believe the little one is void of any knowledge outside of how to eat sleep and well...poop (hehe) but the reality is that though it is important for us to teach these little ones how to function in their new bodies there is also another element which is the spiritual side, with this comes total knowledge and total freedom.  As we grow and develop our ego we slowly lose this knowledge in order to have the full human life experience.  The hard part is to accept this and start what I call the healing process.  It's a necessary first step to move forward in the development that will help you manifest your true potential while in human form.  I assure you there is no greater gift...


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sometimes it can be hard to understand someones way of thinking. It pains me and cuts me deep when I get a message from someone telling me they are racist. Racism is still such a big part of our world today and it hurts me so to know this. I can not change everyone's belief on this but I know that we are not meant to be this way. We are all brothers and sisters made of the same material. To everyone out there hurting others with racism it is NOT ok and the only differences between us as humans are our individuality not our race. We are all precious in our own way. We are all someones mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter. We all deserve love. Even the ones that choose to bully others. I love all my brothers and sisters out there and see no differences between us. I share these flowers to everyone out there from me to you sending love and positive energy with them  :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What a beautiful stormy night last night!!! My favorite thing in life is to watch a storm move in, I love the way the clouds grow and darken the sky, the way the air cools as a dark mass forms above.  The magic begins when the lightning dances across the sky before a loud thunder roars!! I love the passion in the sky!!!

How lucky are we to see from this perspective!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I was challenged to find a miracle in the ordinary day and I thought to myself that in life so ordinary it can be a challenge to look for something miraculous especially when it's so easy to go on auto pilot. But never the less I accept this challenge and have a miracle to share indeed. I challenged myself today while out running errands with my sister to find the good in every situation. Here is what my day has looked like so far: First stop grocery store: I was in a hurry and went to grab 2 gallons of milk with my very small hand and dropped one, milk went everywhere as the jug busted when it hit the floor. I was rather surprised and before I could even think of a good solution to this situation the first miracle occurred 1: My sister whom is very shy and easily embarrassed literally ran to find a way to clean it up quickly without thinking twice about it and was more than willing to look like the one who spilled the milk everywhere, this was a miracle to me because she set aside her ego to protect mine. Miracle 2: I learned how easy and quick I go on auto pilot and that I need to take the time to be more in the moment. Miracle 3: after becoming more in the moment it gave me the opportunity to have a conversation with someone I hadn't seen in years, I may not have noticed her otherwise because I get so caught up in the rush of getting things done and I realized that I am missing many opportunities to speak with people that I not only value but appreciate. It is so true that if you want to make a difference you have to start with yourself. I love being reminded of that. Everyday is a miracle and every moment we share with each other is a miracle whether it's standing up for someone, helping someone, or even being a friendly face on a beautiful day. We are not only blessed with finding these miracles but also being someone else's miracle! ~ Love to all and I hope you have a blessed day!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Some of the most challenging things in life come at times we least expect. It can be hard to find your way through dark times and sometimes giving up seems like the only way out. The truth is there is no easy way out, nothing is simple here and honestly it was designed that way. We are here to learn and grow and we have chosen the best possible life for that process. Those who go without always wish for more and those who have it all always wish for Love. This cycle will continue in an effort to give all souls the knowledge and experience needed to evolve out of that level. Some souls come here very strong and they will make their way to power in a steadfast way because they'll use their resources to help others, this process is for the greater good. But to every positive force there is also a  negative counterpart. This must be so to hold balance. However it's when one overcomes the other that we have what we are experiencing now which is the heaviness of our planet and every one here feels it. We all have days when we wake up after a full night of rest and yet we are more tired than when we went to bed. We all have more emotions than ever before and lose control of them easily. This is not your fault but our fault. We must become aware of this and acknowledge our responsibility in it and make the changes necessary starting with ourselves. I know that the more we become aware of this the more successful we will be at fixing what we've done. The planet needs it desperately, we need it desperately.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My daughter came home from school yesterday with a writing assignment titled: What Would I Put In My Box Of Summer I thought this was very cute and as I helped her with this assignment it inspired me to write my own. Here goes: 
    What I would put in my box of summer would be a special moment in time and all of the wonderful memories I made with family and friends! We hiked and rode 4-wheelers in the woods, went to Lake Michigan, swam at my sister's house and most importantly spent quality time together.  We could fill our Box of Summer quickly with all of the laughs and giggles.  There is also one last thing I would put in my Box of Summer and that would be the memories of the previous summer when my Dad was still with us. Hearing him laugh, seeing him smile, watching him play with the kids and seeing him live life to the fullest. Last summer was our final summer with my him, I wish my Box of Summer could hold all of this forever...    

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Everything has beauty...

                                                                                          You just have to see it....

~Hear with your heart, speak from your soul~

We are all connected

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Always remember to be kind to someone struggling you may be the only one that cares, you may be the smile that changes everything

or the new found hope of someone who otherwise had none. The easiest thing to do is smile...spread your love and light!!!

 Everything we experience is for a purpose
this all can't be for nothing..
Everyday is a chance to discover a new miracle
If you found your way here than....

I always say that to find the best in everyone you must first find the best within yourself! Sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves and understanding. Life is hard on us all but we're all on this journey together. I have a strong desire to reconnect the love and compassion for one another so I wrote a book in poetry form about my life's experiences. I lay it all out there for the world to see, I open my heart and my soul in this book hoping to lead by example in an effort to tare down the walls we put around ourselves for protection. I hope to inspire and move people enough to allow themselves to love and be loved but most importantly to simply learn to forgive...